Scheinkman, M., S. Iasenza, K. Ludwig, T. Cronin, S. Lemor, and P. Papp (2022). Sexual intimacy and aging: An integrative framework to promote intimacy resilience in couple therapy. Family Process, 1-20.
Iasenza, S. (2016). Transforming sexual narratives. Psychotherapy Networker, 42(1), 24-31.
Iasenza, S. (2010). What is queer about sex?: Expanding sexual frames in theory and practice. Family Process, 49, 3, 291-308.
Iasenza, S. (2006). Low sexual desire in gay, lesbian and heterosexual peer marriages. In J.S.Scharff & D.E.Scharff (Eds.), New paradigms for treating relationships. NY: Jason Aronson
Iasenza, S. (2004). Passion, play, and erotic potential space in lesbian relationships. In A. D’Ercole & J. Drescher (Eds.) Uncoupling convention: Psychoanalytic approaches to same-sex couples and families. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.
Iasenza, S. (2004). Multicontextual sex therapy with lesbian couples. In S. Green & D. Flemons (Eds.) Quickies: The handbook of brief sex therapy. New York: W.W. Norton.
Iasenza, S. (2002). Beyond “lesbian bed death”: The passion and play in lesbian relationships. In S.M. Rose (Ed.) Lesbian love and relationships. New York: Harrington Park Press.
Iasenza, S. (2001). Sex therapy with a “new view”. In E. Kaschak & L. Tiefer (Eds.) A new view of women’s sexual problems. New York: Haworth Press.
Iasenza, S., & Waxenberg, S. (2001). A post-modern comparative study of figure drawings of lesbian and heterosexual women: A tribute to Ted Riess and Ralph Gundlach. In E. Gould & S. Kiersky (Eds.) Sexualities Lost & Found: Lesbians, psychoanalysis and culture. Madison CT: International Universities Press.
Iasenza, S. (2000). Lesbian sexuality post-Stonewall to post-modernism: Putting the “lesbian bed death” concept to bed. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 25, 1, 59-69.
Iasenza, S. (1999). Who do we want you to be? A commentary on essentialist and social constructionist perspectives in clinical work. In J.S. Bohan & G.M. Russell (Eds.) Conversations about psychology and sexual orientation. New York: NYU Press.
Iasenza, S. (1999). Book Review of Families and adoption edited by Harriet Gross and Marvin B. Sussman, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 25, 2, 170-172.
Iasenza, S. (1999). Book Review of Sexual subjects: Lesbians, gender and psychoanalysis by Adria Schwartz, The Lesbian Review of Books, 5, 4, 16-17.
Iasenza, S. (1997). Educating criminal justice students about sexual orientation, homophobia, and heterosexism. In J. T. Sears & W. Williams (Eds.) Overcoming heterosexism and homophobia. New York: Columbia University Press.
Iasenza, S. (1996). Book Review of Disorienting sexuality: Psychoanalytic reappraisals of sexual identities edited by Thomas Domenici and Ronnie C. Lesser, Sex Roles, 34, 11/12, 875-877.
Iasenza, S., Colucci, P. C., & Rothberg, B. (1996). Coming out and the mother-daughter bond: Two case examples. In J. Laird & R. Green (Eds.), Lesbians and gays in couples and families: A handbook for therapists. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
DeLuccia, R. C. & Iasenza, S. (1995). Student disruption, disrespect, and disorder in the classroom: A seminar for faculty. Journal of College Student Development, 36, 4, 385-388.
Iasenza, S. (1995). Platonic pleasures and dangerous desires: Psychoanalytic theory, sex research, and lesbian sexuality. In J. M. Glassgold & S. Iasenza (Eds.), Lesbians and psychoanalysis: Revolutions in theory and practice. New York: Free Press.
Iasenza, S. (1995). Book Review of On Intimate Terms: The psychology of difference in lesbian couples by Beverly Burch. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 21, 1, 64-66.
Iasenza, S. (1995). Lesbian and gay parenting: A resource for psychologists. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Assisted in compiling and writing annotated bibliography.
Iasenza, S. & Johnson, T. W. (1993). Lesbian and gay couples: Common challenges and gender-based differences. New Jersey Psychologist, 43, 3, 22-25.
Iasenza, S. & Troutt, B. B. (1990). A training program to diminish prejudicial attitudes in student leaders. Journal of College Student Development, 31, 1, 83-84.
Iasenza, S. (1989). Some challenges of integrating sexual orientations into counselor training and research. Journal of Counseling and Development, 68, 1, 73-76.